
In the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10) our Lord teaches us how we are to treat our fellows, and how we are to regard the gifts he has entrusted to us. The sessions of our churches include deacons, in keeping with the pattern found in Acts 6.

Article 24 of our Church Order spells out that their task is to collect charitable contributions and to distribute them to those in need, to comfort the distressed, and to encourage the congregation to show christian mercy to those in need at home and overseas. So this work of mercy involves the whole of the congregation.

Besides the day to day work of mercy carried out by our members for those in need locally, our churches are also involved in a number of overseas projects.

Religion that God our Father accepts
as pure and faultless is this:
to look after orphans and widows in their distress
and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27

Diaconal At Home

The work of mercy is the responsibility of the local church. Inspired by the example of the believers in Acts 4, we believe that our possessions are not our own but are to be shared. Deacons in each church collect the tithes and offerings for the work of the church and for the support of those in need.

Although in New Zealand, the state welfare system has to a large extent supplanted the charitable work of the church, opportunities still exist for believers to help needy brothers and sisters and to support the work of mission with tangible gifts of love.

Diaconal Abroad

Overseas aid on behalf of the churches within the denomination is coordinated by the National Diaconate Committee. The committee has the difficult task of assessing competing needs, each of which is deserving of assistance. Unfortunately, the resources of a small denomination are relatively small and NDC has chosen to support a smaller number of projects where a difference can be made.

Recent and current projects include:

  • Relief for people affected by war in Myanmar.
  • Funding for two Christ-centred diaconal missions to educate young women in Bangalore and Madurai. This support is shared between the NDC and World Transform in Australia.
  • Funding for Christian education centres for children in Madurai and Dindigal (India).
  • Regular partial support for a Christian mission to help people in the Ukraine in both a word and deed ministry.
  • Partnering with World Transform in Australia to raise funds via the Compassionate Catalogue each year to support projects in the Pacific Region and in India.
  • Partial support for one-off projects undertaken by a Christian hospital in the Philippines.

All projects are under constant evaluation and the Committee is always ready and willing to receive suggestions for new projects.