Youth Work

Our churches recognise the importance of the education of our children and young people in the ways of the Lord. The Psalmist tells us that children are a reward and a heritage from the Lord (Psalm 127:4).

Our children are baptised as infants as a sign and seal of God’s covenant promise to them. They participate in the worship services of our churches. Many attend christian schools or are home-schooled.

Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are children born in one’s youth.
Psalm 127:4

In addition our churches provide the following activities for our young people:

Cadets and Gems

A scouting-type movement for children aged from 8 to 15. This involves Bible study, badge work and camping. See for more information.

Youth Groups

The youth, 15 years and older, of our churches meet together periodically for Bible study, but also for social activities. The local congregation can provide more information.

Youth Camps

These week-long camps held every summer provide an opportunity for Bible study, as well as socialising and activities in a Christian environment.

Regional Youth Committees

Each of the three Reformed Church Presbyteries has a youth committee which regularly meets to organise events for the youth. These include regional camps on Queens Birthday, Easter or Labour weekends, as well as ski-trips, youth balls and other events. These committees also take it in turns to organise the annual National Youth Camp.

The committees are:

Auckland Regional Youth work Committee (Upper North Island)

Email: arycnz [at]

Wellington Regional Youth Committee
(Lower North Island)


Mainland Reformed Youth Committee
(South Island)

Email: mryc [at]